Temple de la renommée- Shirley Bird

Shirley Bird
Intronisé: 31 mai 2019
Hall of Fame - Builder

There are certain qualities of those who strive to build and develop a sport that at times, seems to be in decline. Due to their love of the game many individuals spend countless and tireless hours working on the development of programs that will hopefully translate in to better programs for the bowlers.

This evening we are proud to honour the first two inductees in to the C5PBA Hall of Fame under the Builders Division.

Selection for the builder division of the C5PBA Hall of Fame is based on nominations from the membership and acceptance by the Hall of Fame committee.

Our first inductee into the C5PBA Hall of Fame Builders division has served for many decades at the local zone, provincial and national level. While her services and accomplishments may be too many to list, her tireless efforts have benefitted bowlers at all levels.

This individual was passionate about growing the sport and providing the opportunity for bowlers of all skill levels to compete on the national stage. In the early 2000s she laid the groundwork for a new Pins Over Average tournament. That tournament started with 4 provinces competing against one another and by 2009 had become the C5PBA Interprovincial Championship (better known as the IP) which is the C5PBA National Championships for pins over average competitors.

She has a mind for the technical side of our sport that few have. She served multiple times on the national technical committee and oversaw revisions and rewrites of the C5PBA rule book.

The C5PBA is proud to induct into the Builders Division of the Hall of Fame from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Shirley Bird.